From paper compliance to a responsible business culture – how to implement GRC – Torgeir Lie Storberget

GRC questions should be an integral part off all organizations. In the absence of effective GRC, companies will suffer financial, legal and reputational harm. From a risk perspective, there is no greater risk to a company than poor GRC culture.
Every company should therefore regularly ask itself this basic question; Have we effectively implemented our GRC program? My experience with companies of all sizes is that the answer will most likely be NO.

Adopting internal guidelines and software systems are not the same as implementing a living GRC culture in an organization. In companies where misconduct or legal violations have occurred we often encounter GRC programs that are strong on paper but where the management has failed to effectively implement a strong ethical culture. Key concepts such as the tone from the top, risk based approach, training and internal controls are some of the building blocks in a compliance-wheel that should be the backbone of any living GRC-program. Based on international best practice, and especially on cases and guidelines from the US Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission, this seminar will address how organizations can work more strategically with GRC and how a holistic view can improve implementation.